Maintaining Your Scholarship
Once you have executed your Agreement, and have started your studies you must adhere to the terms and conditions set out in your agreement.
General Conditions of the Scholarship/Award
Below are some general conditions of the Scholarship / Award, however recipients must ensure that they thoroughly review their Agreements and follow the guidelines set therein:
- Recipients must diligently pursue studies through completion within the stipulated timeframe and maintain the required academic standards;
- Provide academic information during the tenure of the Award in order to facilitate payment of Tuition and Allowances where applicable.
- Recipients must not abandon the course of study, or pursue any other course of study except for which the award was granted. In addition, the recipient must also remain enrolled in the Academic Institution during the tenure of this Scholarship/Award;
- Generally, recipients are not allowed to take up paid employment during the period of the Scholarship/Award;
- Submit to the discipline, supervision and control of the Academic Institution;
- Maintain citizenship of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago during the duration of the Award;
- Not apply for residency status of apply for or acquire permanent residence status in other country (other than Trinidad and Tobago) for the entire duration of the Award;
- On completion of studies, recipients are required to Report in Person to the Ministry of Education and accept employment in the service of the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago for the prescribed Period of Obligatory Service.
Prior written consent must be sought and obtained for any changes during the agreed Award Period.
Recipients are advised to maintain regular contact (via email or phone) with their assigned Support Officer to ensure that they receive accurate and timely information throughout the period of the Award or to treat with any difficulties or queries they may have.
Feel free to review the Frequently Asked Questions sections of the website for more information regarding maintaining your Scholarship/Award.
Payment to Scholars
As a recipient of a scholarship by the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago you may be eligible for the following payments:
- Tuition and all Compulsory Fees
- Personal Maintenance Allowance
- Special Equipment Allowance
- Annual Book Allowance
- Return Economy Airfare (where applicable)
- Warm Clothing Allowance (where applicable)
- Replacement Warm Clothing Allowance (where applicable)
- Incidental Travel Allowance (where applicable)