Application Form – Deferral of Obligatory Service

Guidelines The Deferral of Obligatory Service is governed by the Policy on DEFERRAL OF OBLIGATORY SERVICE FOR SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS.
Deferrals may be granted on the following grounds:
  1. To pursue postgraduate studies or postdoctoral research that is aligned to the National Development Human Resource Needs of Trinidad and Tobago.
  2. To pursue internships abroad in the medical field, in areas which are necessary for practicing medicine in Trinidad and Tobago, including the Foundation Programme.
  3. To pursue other internships abroad which will add significant value to the Scholars ability to perform obligatory service within Trinidad and Tobago;
  4. To pursue residency programmes and postgraduate programmes in the medical field that are aligned to the needs of the health sector within Trinidad and Tobago.
  5. The Scholar wishes to pursue short-term employment or attachments, of not more than two (2) years, in foreign jurisdictions, which will provide requisite skills, abilities and work experience in their particular field of study, enhance the scholar's competencies and allow him/her to perform at a higher level within Trinidad and Tobago.
  6. Certifiable reasons relating to the Scholar's medical fitness.
  7. The Scholar requires additional time to complete the programme of study, thesis or research and/or a request for an extension of scholarship has been declined.
Supporting Documents Instructions

All Grounds

Ground 1

Ground 2&3

Ground 4

Ground 5

Ground 6

Ground 7

Other Relevant Documents

Scholar Information

I hereby acknowledge that should I choose to repay or breach my scholarship agreement, interest will incur from date of first payment including period of deferral . I confirm that the information provided above and all the attachments are true and correct. I acknowledge that any false information provided or any relevant information deliberately withheld, may result in the immediate termination of my deferral.